Saturday, May 21, 2011

We've been so busy!

Wow...Charles our tour guide has kept us so busy.  We have visited Red Square, The Kremlin and the "market" (a big flea market!)  The Kremlin and Red Square is so beautiful.  The parks and fountains are so amazing will all the tulips blooming.  Red, yellow, pink and purple tulips blooming everywhere.  It's so great.

The market was really neat also, with souvenirs everywhere!  The people were very nice.  Charles was in heaven....he loves flea markets! 

We have traveled to all these places using the metro (subway).  Sophia has been a real trooper.  She does not mind the noise or how fast it travels.  She just loves looking around and enjoying all the people. 

Sophia is doing better at eating, which has put my mind at ease.  She still loves the little cracker/cookies that we give her at snack time.  Sleeping is a different story.  She is taking a long time to fall asleep at her nap times and bed times.  We are starting so many bad habits during our stay.  Unfortunately we do not have a crib, so she is sleeping with us (this will be hard to break when we get home.)  And we do not have a high chair, so she eats in my lap!

But she is adorable!  She smiles, waves, kisses, claps and loves when I sing "The Wheels On The Bus" and "Twinkle Little Star"

We only have two more days until our travel day.  We are so ready to go back home.  My dad is bringing Gracie to the airport to pick us up.  I can't wait to see Gracie's face when she mets Sophia for the first time.  Gracie is super excited about her little sister. 

I am so proud of my sweet Gracie Girl.  At the 1st Grade Awards Day on Friday, she won the "AR Star Award" (Accelerated Reader)!!!!  She has worked so hard on taking AR tests on the books she reads at school.  Her goal was 25 AR tests.  Her reward was lunch with her teacher (Mrs. Heglin) and a friend (Susanna) in the classroom, while the rest of the class had lunch in the lunch room.  Plus a beautiful certificate presented to her by her teacher!!  I am so proud of you, Gracie!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I was shocked to see my face on the Pearson Family Blog today. I'm so proud of Gracie too!!! :) Enjoy your last couple of days. Sophia is adorable! Gracie can't stop talking about her. She tells me every morning about the phone call and talking to her sister. She is going to be a wonderful big sister!!!!

    Mrs. Heglin

