Saturday, May 21, 2011

We've been so busy!

Wow...Charles our tour guide has kept us so busy.  We have visited Red Square, The Kremlin and the "market" (a big flea market!)  The Kremlin and Red Square is so beautiful.  The parks and fountains are so amazing will all the tulips blooming.  Red, yellow, pink and purple tulips blooming everywhere.  It's so great.

The market was really neat also, with souvenirs everywhere!  The people were very nice.  Charles was in heaven....he loves flea markets! 

We have traveled to all these places using the metro (subway).  Sophia has been a real trooper.  She does not mind the noise or how fast it travels.  She just loves looking around and enjoying all the people. 

Sophia is doing better at eating, which has put my mind at ease.  She still loves the little cracker/cookies that we give her at snack time.  Sleeping is a different story.  She is taking a long time to fall asleep at her nap times and bed times.  We are starting so many bad habits during our stay.  Unfortunately we do not have a crib, so she is sleeping with us (this will be hard to break when we get home.)  And we do not have a high chair, so she eats in my lap!

But she is adorable!  She smiles, waves, kisses, claps and loves when I sing "The Wheels On The Bus" and "Twinkle Little Star"

We only have two more days until our travel day.  We are so ready to go back home.  My dad is bringing Gracie to the airport to pick us up.  I can't wait to see Gracie's face when she mets Sophia for the first time.  Gracie is super excited about her little sister. 

I am so proud of my sweet Gracie Girl.  At the 1st Grade Awards Day on Friday, she won the "AR Star Award" (Accelerated Reader)!!!!  She has worked so hard on taking AR tests on the books she reads at school.  Her goal was 25 AR tests.  Her reward was lunch with her teacher (Mrs. Heglin) and a friend (Susanna) in the classroom, while the rest of the class had lunch in the lunch room.  Plus a beautiful certificate presented to her by her teacher!!  I am so proud of you, Gracie!!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

We went to the Zoo today

Things are going well.  We are adjusting well to each other.  Sophia is eating a little better, thank goodness. 

We were very busy today.  We went out to lunch to an American diner.  Then we took the metro (subway) to the zoo.  Sophia had fun riding in the stroller, but had no idea that we were at the zoo...ha! 

There is no grocery store around our apartment that sells baby food or diapers.  We had to ride the metro out at least 10 miles to find a grocery store to buy the things we needed.  Sophia did great.  Charles is doing a fantastic job finding his way around the city and the subway system.

We got to talk to Gracie this morning on a video call for the first time this trip.  It was great to see her and Gracie loved seeing Sophia.   Sophia did all her "tricks" (as Charles calls them)....she waved, clapped, shook her head side to side, made kissing noises and of course smiled!  It was wonderful.  Gracie is so excited about Sophia coming home.  We are so ready to be back home.

We only have four more days until we travel back home.  Yeah!!!!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

So far so good!

Things are going great. She has been sleeping so well. She slept all night last night and she slept for over two hours during her morning nap. She is even sleeping right now. Wow.

Eating is a different story. She is not eating that much. We have been trying lots of different things to see what she really likes. We have these little soft cracker/cookie things that she seems to really like. At least we are getting something inside her stomach.

She is talking up a storm. Not any words yet. But she is making all kinds of sounds. She is very happy. She loves to be held. Bless her little heart. She just cuddles up to my neck and wraps her arms around me. It is so sweet. She gets upset when I leave the room. She loves to be entertained by Charles with all his funny sounds.

She had her medical examine this morning. Everything went well. Bless her heart, she cried and cried! The doctor said it was "alligator tears." He said she is just trying to get my attention so I will pick her up. She stopped crying as soon as he handed her over to me. He said it is like pushing a button. Ha.

Sophia asleep in the car.  Notice no car's amazing!  She looks so big here, but it's because they like to bundle the children up in lots of clothes.  When you take off the layers...she is so small (and so, so sweet!)

We will post more pictures later.

Monday, May 16, 2011


We picked up Sophia this morning.  Yeah!  It was an exciting and emotional experience.  We are so excited to be bringing her home to her new family, but yet we are sad to see her leave the only people and place that she has ever known.  The care takers were crying, but very happy for her.  She cried while we were leaving, but after being in the car for a little while she stopped and just enjoyed looking out the window.  Then she fell asleep in my arms and slept the rest of the way.  While we were driving from the orphanage the song "Unforgettable" was playing on the radio.

When we got back to our apartment we fed her some lunch and played a little with her.  She is doing great.  She seems to be okay with us right now.  After lunch we called Gracie.  Gracie is so excited.  She does not understand why we have to stay so long.  Gracie was excited to hear Sophia laugh on the phone.  After the phone call, Sophia began crying.  We did not know what to do, we were trying everything and then we layed her down and she cried herself asleep.  She is sleeping right now.  She looks so sweet.

Tomorrow we will have her medical examine for the US Embassy.  Bless her little heart.  Tomorrow is going to rough for her and us.     

Well, we are going to take a nap too.  We need to sleep at any moment that we can....who knows what tonight will be like?  Talk to ya all later...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Yeah!!! Our I-600A has been extended!

This is fantastic news....immigration has extended the paperwork for us so we can bring Sophia home!  Thank you to all our church family and friends for your amazing contacts.  The governor, senator and state reps stepped in and rushed the paperwork.  We are so very thankful, otherwise it would have taken up to 75 days to process.  Thank you, thank you!

We are scheduled to leave for Russia in two weeks.  We will be in Russia for 10 days and then we will bring her home.  The next trip will be filled with applying for passports, visas, a medical check up and interview with the US embassy...then home.
